Consulting Standards in Tree Work

ECoST (acronym for ‘European Consulting Standards in Tree Work’) is an EU funded project aiming to develop  consulting standards on tree assesment, tree valuation and tree protection on construction sites. These standards will reflect the good practice in tree work across Europe and will provide technical definitions and guidelines for tree work.

The project is run by a partnership representing 9 (10) European countries and runs from February 2022 to February 2025.

Public comments CLOSED.

OPEN for public comments...

The Standards

The European Arboricultural Standards are based on a harmonisation of formal and informal national norms and standards, including current knowledge and experience in the arboricultural community. The basic texts are created during working group discussions involving experts from 11 European countries. After agreement in the working group, the draft version is subject to a public consultation, open to all interested. Feedback from the public consultation is discussed and processed in the final version of the standard before publishing it.